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Detect, Deceive, Trap, and Learn From Hackers

In today’s cyber climate, being the target of an attack is a question of when, not if.

CyberTrap’s Deception Technology with Threat Detection enables the immediate detection of attacks, the ability to lure, deceive, and entrap hackers, and the intelligence to learn from their methods to shore up your defenses.

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What can Deception Technology do for me?

Endpoint Deception

Even if endpoints are compromised, the company infrastructure remains protected.

Active Directory Deception

Attackers are no longer able to fly under the radar of common security tools in the network.

Web Application Deception

Strengthen the security measures in the production network.

Why Deception is not just a honeypot




Baits instead of security holes


Real systems


Finds APTs

Dynamisch Integriert

Dynamically integrated


High interaction

Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence

News on Deception Technology

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“Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.”
– Napoleon Bonaparte

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